If you are looking for best review on CCM U + Crazy Light Orange Skates [SENIOR] for sale. This site offers variety informations of CCM . Click on each link to see more in detail of product description, customer review, price comparison or search for any available sale promotion before decide to buy online.
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CCM U + Crazy Light Orange Skates [SENIOR] Overviews
Commitment is measured by the bruises on your arms, the gaps in your teeth and the skate on your foot. The New CCM U+ Crazy Light is the only skate built with ultra reactive U FOAM technology. The U+ Crazy Light conforms to every contour of your foot. It fits better on your foot, so you can perform better on the ice. Only one question remains. Are you committed enough to wear CCM? * Match your skate's to your team's uniform * U Foam Pro quarter core provides a super-light internal support that not only saves tons of weight, but also molds to your foot perfectly * Vector Armour Surlyn quarter package provides Pro-level ankle support while maintaining comfort and low weight * Anti-microbial liner with branded grip helps keep your foot locked in and germ-free * Lightweight carbon composite exhaust outsole translates your foot movements directly to the ice with minimal energy loss * CCM Armour tongue provides an additional layer of protection * E-Pro Holder and stainless steel Pro-Formance scalloped runner help save additional weight * Made in Canada (senior)READ MORE INFORMATION....
*** Product Information : Apr 30, 2012 12:55:36